The Adventures of Two Braids and Swift Like the Wind

This is the journal of two first time marathon runners. We are beginning to train with the National Aids Marathon Training Program in order to participate in the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC on October 29.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rookie Mistake?

As I was getting ready to go to sleep on Sunday evening, and I slid my foot under the sheets, I felt as if the "pressure" from the sheet was a bit much on my toe. Realizing that it is not normal for a bed sheet to feel like it is hurting a toe, I had my husband investigate the toe in question with his high output tactical flashlight. "You got some funk under that toenail." We first assumed I had an ingrown toenail that was possibly infected. However, after closer inspection, and triming the toenail in the morning, I realized it wasn't "funk" but blood under the nail. Seems as though I had the toenails too long and it was getting aggitated by the pressure in the toe box of my running shoes from the forward momentum! I related this gruesome story to a friend of mine that has competed in two maratons, and she assured me, that oh, yes, You may have a few toenails die and fall off! Guess I just learned this the hard way.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Boy it's gettin' HOT!

Let me catch up with maintenance runs first. Swift Like the Wind and I both did our "homework" this week and kept up with our maintenance runs. I think I have resigned to doing these runs on the treadmill so I can at least watch syndicated sitcoms to cure my boredom. Although, the Tuesday run wasn't too bad because I was revved up from my hour and a half visit with the DMV! That's enough to keep you ticked off long enough to pound on the pavement!

Our Training run today was a total of 6 miles. Our group dwindled to only 3 people because of the holiday weekend. It is certainly beginning to heat up out on the trail too. I need to ditch my lycra "yoga pants" for some cool and more breathable shorts! The run felt great to accomplish but was quite a challenge for me, as last week I only ran 4 miles and this week jumped up by 2 miles for the 6 mile total run. We finished our trek in one hour and 19 minutes, right on pace.

Next week we are meeting at 7 am! to beat the heat. We, however, will both be in Ohio and forced to do our 7 mile runs solo (unless of course we can coerce our family members into running with us!)

The only other interesting thing to report is that we had our first taste of all the funky new gels and gus to eat on the run for a burst of energy. We learned that chocolate "GU" tastes like chocolate frosting but Clif Shot "Sonic Strawberry" tastes like a Brazilian aperitif of fermented fruit and sugar cane alcohol! We're hoping to discover more palatable flavors or that the "just plain" really is "just plain".

Monday, May 22, 2006

Training Run #2

Well I ran my first group run on Sunday...and I have to say that now...I get it! I get the feeling and excitement that Swift Like the Wind felt after her first run. The feeling is powerful and addictive. You feel like you could run forever. There are seven people in our training group and I think we should be dubbed "the smart-ass group"!--Which I love. We just use are sarcasm to pound the pavement and keep on going. I only had to run 4 miles while the rest of the group ran 5 miles. (Because I'm a week behind.) I felt like I could have ran the entire distance. Next week I will jump and run the whole distance with the group. It is such a powerful atmosphere to be with people that have similar abilities, similar interests, and the same end goal. Everyone in the group makes it possible for everyone to reach the finish line.

What an awesome experience this is and will be.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Maintenance Run #3 and #4

I've started getting into the routine of the maintenance runs but they sure do take a lot of discipline. Wednesday it was raining so I ran on the treadmill. This certainly has pros and cons. Cons: the room is hot, you don't seem to really go anywhere, and there is a clock, pace timer, mile marker there to stare at me and taunt me until I finish. The only real pro I can think of is that the room is equiped with "cardio theather" so I can plug my headphones into a jack on the treadmill and be in pure delight as I watcch TV! Reruns of Seinfeild and The Simpsons. I'm sure the others in the room found my laughing out loud a bit of a distraction...but when you don't really have television, and you get to watch sitcoms for 45 minutes everything has a fresh coat of funny on it!

I ran this morning as well-a nice cool and crisp morning run. However I am struggling with my minds ability to wander and not focus on what I am doing. I find that I am bored as I run. I feel glued to my stopwatch, thinking, when am I done!?! And to think I have signed on for 26 miles of this? Yikes!

Any one out there have some advice for me so I don't feel like a hamster running on a wheel?

Day off tomorrow and 4 or 5 miles on Sunday. Also going to get new runnies! Maybe new running shoes will alleviate my bordem.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Training Run #1 (for Two-Braids)

Well I was up at the crack of dawn and headed to College Park, MD for my time trial run. Swift Like the Wind is on Training Run #2 at 4.0 miles.

I ran the 3 mile pace run in 36.10 minutes and placed in the Joan Benoit Samuelson group. This group is smackdab in the middle of all the running packs. Robi will actually join my group next week as she felt she was running a bit too slow in the Jack Foster group. Next week or the week after the "second starters" as we are called (those who didn't get their pace group set last week) will catch up with the group by jumping to 5 or 6 miles.

It was a tough run because you really do run the pace setting run alone. No one next to you to keep you motivated, no one to tell you you can do it, no one to talk to. I felt like the 3 miles were just going to keep on stretching out longer and longer. It was such a relief to get to the end and be assigned to a pace group. Once I hit that small milestone all I could think about was how hungary and thirsty I was! The thought of eating on the trail--while running--almost sounds appealing after today. I wonder if I can pack srammbled eggs and bacon into the pocket of my Camelback?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Only 24 miles to go!

Maintenance Run #3

2.20miles 27:32

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Maintenance Run #2

Ran again yesterday. 1.84 miles run 1/2 mile walk. Felt good. It was a bit drizzly but found that was perfect because it helped me to keep cool. My knees feel a little sore this morning but I imagine that is the effect of the "rubberbands" holding my knees in place and my quads doing their part as well.

I took my measurements this morning. That is always a tell tale sign of where I have eigher lost weight or gained muscle.

Bust: 39 1/2
Waist: 38
Hips: 40 1/2
Thigh: 24 1/2
Upper arm: 11 1/2

Sunday, May 07, 2006

First official Training Run

Robi aka "Swift Like the Wind" ran this morning with the official AIDS Marathon Training Group. She ran a 12.37 minute mile and placed in the "Jack Foster" pace group (for a 13.37 mile group). She called me to tell me about her experience this morning and I could hear her voice glowing. She said she felt great and like she could just keep on running. They ran a 3 mile loop and all along the trail in chalk we're messages on the ground to keep the runners motivated--Great Job! You're almost there! and when the front of the pack was looping back they too would cheer the runners on. Next week I'll join them and the run will be up to 4 miles.

Each group has a pace leader that is responsible for not only setting the pace but also timing when to walk, when to eat, and when to drink which will become more important when the runs get longer.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


One thing I'll keep track of during this process is my weight and BMI. I am 5'7" and currently 167 lbs. My BMI is 26. Ideally I should be between 127-153 lbs and 20-25 BMI. My ideal weight would be 145 lbs and be back down to a size 10. The added benefit of training for a marathon, I'll loose a few pounds while maintaining a healthy diet. I have been trying to shed a few of the extra pounds in the past year and a half by participating in Weight Watchers. The program did truly help me begin to lose weight but work got in the way of my flexibility to attend meetings. Although I'm not currently actively participating in the meetings the program has taught me the invaluable lesson of portion control, choosing healthy foods, drinking water, and being active.

Day One: Maintenance Run #1

Today was my first run...probablly since college! I ran three quarters of a mile and walked the rest of the loop for a total of 2.61 miles covered. Hearing from friends and a little light internet reading everyone says that one of the biggest mistakes rookies make is 1) over doing it and 2) not listening to their body (ouch my shins hurt, ah well I'll just keep going). So 3/4 of a mile I feel was just right. I stretched before and after, warmed up and cooled down, I feel good!

Robi will join the AIDS training group tomorrow and I'll join them next week. We decided to do this marathon at the 11th hour so I'm a step behind on the official registration process but hope I can take care of that this week and join them next week.

It feels good to really sweat.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You see where my "indian" name comes from! I've had long hair for the majority of my life and find that Two Braids is the easiest managed, especially when working out. While in college my running partner and I coined our "indian" names....while I was Two Braids, Paulette took the name "Tittycumseh" accenting her zaftig-ness.

The adventure begins

We're going to run a marathon.

Robi and I are going to run a marathon.

So many thoughts, emotions, ideas have run through my head. Can I do this? Do I really want to do this? How will I do this. But in the end the thought that proves to be the strongest is that I can and want to do this and just finish the race no longer how long it takes. I guess Madeira's motto is having an effect on my views--Festina Lente or Make haste slowly.

This blog will be dedicate to our training, mental challenges, physical challenges as well as physical changes!