The Adventures of Two Braids and Swift Like the Wind

This is the journal of two first time marathon runners. We are beginning to train with the National Aids Marathon Training Program in order to participate in the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC on October 29.

Monday, October 09, 2006

26 Mile Celebration Run

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006

We all met at the East Falls Church Run Site on a cool and dark morning. Trying to stay warm was as much of a challenge as mentally preparing for our run that day. It was exciting to have all the AIDS Marathon runners in the same place and it was great to meet new runners as well.

A client from the Whitman-Walker Clinic spoke to us about the struggles he and his partner have had fighting not only AIDS but also a few legal battles too. It was awe inspiring to hear how the clinic was able to step in and assist them with their medical and legal needs. To this day he has not turned over one cent for 20 years worth of medical treatment because of the fundraising that has supported the clinic. It was great to have those thoughts running through our head as we began to run on the trail.

The day was cool with some showers throughout our run. Around mile 18 or so we all began to get a little punchy but our ridiculous banter pushed us through each mile. It was fun to stop at the themed water stops or pass another group of runners who orchestrated the wave as we passed by. It took our group about 6 and a half hours to run the 26 miles. At the end we ran in together, smiles on our faces, tears in our eyes, through the balloon archway and into the arms of our coaches putting an AIDS Marathon medal around our necks. It was an incredible feeling. Courage, accomplishment, pride, enthusiasms.

I was particularly pleased because the longest consecutive run I had completed to date was only 16 miles. Running the 26, and finishing it, has given me the confidence I needed to be able to run the marathon in a few short weeks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo, 16 days to go...

11:10 PM  

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